About Us

Channelise is a business run by determined experts who will always find you a way through.

We work with you and your support network to make everyday connection in the community.

Our purpose is to improve your life through social and economic inclusion in the mainstream. We value the potential in everyone and the inclusion of people in the life of their community. Channelise is astute and responsive to your needs.

community connection with outing at cafe with friend

Everyday Connection

Improving people’s lives through social and economic inclusion in the mainstream.

Channelise advocates for ‘dignity of risk’ which means we work with you on the goal to overcome challenges so that you experience personal growth, a better quality of life and genuine connection to your community. For too long people with disability have occupied society’s margins and despite the NDIS enabling change for the better – some services haven’t changed.

We are fiercely independent, personalised and impartial.

We are solution-focussed and dedicate our work to increasing your participation wherever that may be – at home, in the community, at school or work and with your family and friends.

Behind the name – ‘Channelise’

Channelise draws inspiration from the Japanese Kawa (‘river’) Model – a river metaphor depicting one’s life journey.

The inclusive nature of the model allows individuals, families, groups and organisations to work together and overcome dysfunction so an individual has a more meaningful life.

Like water flowing along a channel, your life moves ahead but not always smoothly. You sometimes experience a rough ride as you face challenges and navigate obstacles. Sometimes the water trickles slowly or rushes too quickly. Like floating down a river that winds its way to the ocean, you need guidance and good knowledge – an expert to navigate the channel and the streams that branch off to other places.

Teoh, J.Y. & Iwama, M.K. (2015). The Kawa Model Made Easy: a guide to applying the Kawa Model in occupational therapy practice (2nd edition). Retrieved from: www.kawamodel.com

Inclusive river model allowing individuals, families, groups and organisations to work together and overcome dysfunction
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